Saturday, October 4, 2008

Response to week 8 reading 'STOMP'

I was under the assumption that Singapore was in touch with the modern world when it came to the media and it appears they are recognised for their journalism.

However I must admit to being amazed that the Straits Times online, multimedia and print (STOMP) site has so many hits as it's not what I would look at.

My initial reaction to the website was that it looked like one of those nasty advertising pop-ups you sometimes get when surfing the net, and they just keep on annoying you over and over again (to scared to provide a link in this post!)

I found that the loud colours, font style and animation on the site resembled an adult content site, almost pornographic.

There is so much going on; you don't know where to look.

I'm certainly no prude, but the site didn't look like something I would look at and decide to read on.

When browsing the site, I was stunned that stories like 'Who's got the nicest bum in Singapore' would be what readers think is important news.

To me it screamed bad taste.

Then there was the story about a commuter who refused to give up her seat on the train for a pregnant woman.

In Australia, these types of stories are usually seen on programs like Today Tonight and A Current Affair which are under the delusion that they are providing quality journalism.

In the case of STOMP, I would have to place it in the same category as these 'pretend' current affairs shows.

It might be their idea of journalism, but to most intelligent people, it's almost comic.

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